President: Clee Lee Faculty Advisor: Eric Aldieri
The Philosophy Club meets weekly to discuss philosophy amongst themselves, and sometimes invites faculty to give talks and field questions. Annually, the Philosophy Club publishes the Bridgewater Journal of Philosophy, which is an annual showcase of the best student philosophy writing.
President: Kate Larlee Faculty Advisor: UNB Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts
The Hemlock Society is an undergraduate philosophy society at the University of New Brunswick, aiming to foster a community of philosophy students and students in general with philosophical interests. We also aim to promote the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge by promoting interest in philosophical topics and classes. We host study sessions, movie nights, game nights, and work in conjunction with the Department of Philosophy to host guest lectures.
President: Alexander Johnson Faculty Advisor: Brianna Larson
The Undergraduate Philosophy Club is a student organization whose objective is simply to engage in philosophical discussion and inquire across a wide range of topics. The club meets weekly during the academic year.
President: Chloe Fabricante Faculty Advisor: Alfred Lent
Philosophy Circle is a student run organization at Ohio University. Our goal is to make philosophy accessible to all students, regardless of their major or experience in philosophy. We have had presentations on a wide range of topics from students and professors at Ohio University, as well as visiting professors and authors.
President: Nathan Smith Faculty Advisor: Frederick Culverhouse
The official University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) Department of Philosophy Club with partnership of the Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Team. Our mission and vision is to provide a group atmosphere for inspiring philosophical thinkers at UIW with Ethics case reviews and philosophical discussions. We hope to accept all majors of different minds/backgrounds to discuss, in aspects, of ethics or learn more about philosophy and how it might apply in your major.
President: Savannah Crawley Faculty Advisor: Lindsay Brainard
The Student Fellowship of Philosophy, a.k.a. Philosophy Club, is a collaborative effort between Department of Philosophy faculty and students at UAB. The club is completely student-led — students run the meetings, pick the discussion topics, and organize events – while a faculty member serves an advisory role. All students, regardless of major, are welcome to attend Philosophy Club meetings and become members. The club meets throughout the Fall and Spring semesters to discuss philosophical topics, watch movies with philosophical themes, and simply have a good time hanging out and enjoying snacks. Typically, the club organizes one event per month, inviting external or in-house speakers to present on and discuss a philosophical topic.
President: Malcolm X Graham Faculty Advisor: Jason Hanna
President: Faculty Advisor:
President: Zackery Montalvo Faculty Advisor:
Our Mission: 1) Bring together those interested in philosophical inquiry through discussions and events. 2) Promote the study of philosophy to all of UVA and the broader Charlottesville area through community outreach. 3) Encourage a stronger connection between students and faculty in the Department of Philosophy.
President: Sophie Capshaw Faculty Advisor:
President: Dylan Kirk Faculty Advisor: Nicholaos Jones
The Dionysian Society aims to help individuals find meaning and to enjoy life through pursuing the passions of philosophy, dialogue, and art despite all the uncertainties and limitations of being a university student.
President: Jeremy Alexander Faculty Advisor: Adam Harmer
President: Faculty Advisor: Louis Mancha
President: Oliver Chasan Faculty Advisor: Farzad Mahootian
President: Cierra Childs Faculty Advisor: Joseph Kuzma
President: Maddox Larson Faculty Advisor: Roy Lee
Phi Sigma Tau (Nebraska Beta Chapter) is the Creighton Philosophy Honors Society. Phi Sigma Tau also runs the Creighton Philosophy Club, which hosts regular discussions and other events for student interested in philosophy (students need not be Phi Sigma Tau members to participate), and hosts the annual Midwest Undergraduate Philosophy Conference.
President: Eric Nyeste Faculty Advisor: Jeremy Ried
To create a space and resources for the extracurricular pursuit of big, unanswerable questions, philosophical camaraderie, and critical thought at San Francisco State University.
President: Wren Muirhead Faculty Advisor:
President: Kierra Koerber Faculty Advisor: Charles Emmer
The ESU Philosophy Club promotes and celebrates philosophical and critical thought through events such as Socrates Café-style discussions, book clubs, invited speakers, film screenings, field trips, and debates.
President: Coby Bravo Faculty Advisor: Sean Sirks
The Philosophy Club at Virginia Tech is the biggest on-campus philosophy-related organization and is open to all students.
President: Abigail Donaldson Faculty Advisor: Shoshana Brassfield
The purpose of the Society is to promote appreciation and discussion of philosophical topics at Frostburg State University, to build a community among students interested in philosophy, and to support the mission of the Philosophy Department.
President: Katie Priest Faculty Advisor: Corwin Aragon
President: Azamat Dybyssov Faculty Advisor: James Hutchinson
The club's objective is to become a forum accessible to everyone where students will get either answer to their questions or food for thought. Our goal is to develop people's problem-solving skills, making them versatile. We respect a learning environment for personal growth and development of philosophical thought and encourage free thinking in our club.
President: Aiden Cardozo Faculty Advisor:
President: Ethan Royster Faculty Advisor: Kirsten Gerdes
RCC Philosophy Club’s purpose shall be to provide a forum for philosophical and sociopolitical discussion, to exercise autonomous and creative thinking, and to connect philosophically interested students.
President: Kashmala Ahmad Faculty Advisor: Ferdie Durano
President: Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Spelman
The Philosophy and Ethics Club meets weekly to discuss a variety of ethical, political, and social issues and the philosophical questions that underly them. Participating in our weekly discussions is an excellent way to develop the critical thinking skills and habits of mind that contribute to the good life.
President: Rachel Zahradka Faculty Advisor: Miles Tucker
President: Faculty Advisor: Sahar Joakim
The Socratic Society is a philosophy club at St. Louis Community College which serves to inspire and maintain respectful discourse on philosophical matters.
President: Jessica Hernandez Faculty Advisor: Justin Kalef
President: Flor Mendoza Faculty Advisor: Jeffrey Brown
President: Harith Khawaja Faculty Advisor:
President: Nicolette Geoola Faculty Advisor: Christopher Lay
The AC Philosophy Club is a community of students from all majors interested in analytic and continental philosophy. We engage in thoughtful discussions on broad topics through open dialogue.
President: Faculty Advisor: Jeremy Proulx
President: Nimra Areej Faculty Advisor: Kurt Mertel
The mission of the Philosophy Club is to foster greater engagement in philosophical discourse and increase interest in philosophy amongst the AUS community while encouraging thoughtful discussion with issues of the past and the present. The purpose of philosophy in conversation is to provide an atmosphere of shared learning through discussion of important philosophical thinkers, the history of philosophy, contemporary issues in philosophy, as well as any subject deemed appropriate or interesting to the members present at each meeting.
President: Gianna Gant Faculty Advisor: Richard Kim
Loyola University of Chicago's Philosophy Club aims to draw in students across all majors to discuss probing, exciting philosophical topics. We encourage all members to keep an open-mind and listen to one another.
President: Thomas Fulkerson Faculty Advisor: JeeLoo Liu
President: Garrett Beebe Faculty Advisor:
The Philosophy Club at Behrend hosts events promoting the practice of facilitating and participating in difficult but generative dialogue (dialectic). At the heart of philosophy is fellowship in the cultivation of wisdom—this is what our club is aspiring to. Together, our club is hosting consilience unconferences to help bring the collective intelligence of distributed cognition together unto the complex, rapid developments in artificial intelligence, virtual spaces/worlds, and human-machine integration. Come Think With Us!
President: Madeleine Schmitz Faculty Advisor: Steven Gross
Prometheus is an undergraduate philosophy club and journal published by students at Johns Hopkins University. The purpose of the journal is to promote philosophical discourse of the highest standard by offering students an opportunity to engage in open discussion, participate in the production and publication of an academic journal, and establish a community of aspiring philosophers. Prometheus holds various undergraduate events, including a discussion forum that meets every other Tuesday in the fall to discuss philosophical issues that are not addressed in the classroom. In the spring, we host a seminar series in which we invite graduate students to deliver talks and lead discussion. Every April, Prometheus hosts the Mid-Atlantic Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, where undergraduates present on their own work. Prometheus also publishes an online undergraduate philosophy journal every year. Each issue contains a selection of essays on various philosophical topics submitted by undergraduates from around the world. We accept submissions every winter and publish the journal in the summer.
President: Darius Cummings Faculty Advisor:
The Philosophy Club at High Point University serves as a safe space for philosophical discussion and discovery. We are advocates and profound resources for intellectual endeavors at High Point Univerity!
President: Mary-kate Boyle Faculty Advisor:
Philosophy Club exists to foster conversation, debate, and discussion of philosophy among students interested in the subject. Philosophy Club intends to engage in discussion and analysis of academic philosophical topics. All are welcome. We hold weekly meetings each with an assigned subject which we discuss freely in an attempt to come to a consensus on the issue or better understanding of the topic.
President: Grace Gould Faculty Advisor: Stephen Puryear
President: Angela Sierra Faculty Advisor: Anna Gotlib
The Purpose of the Philosophy Society at Brooklyn College is to promote the discipline and profession of philosophy, both within the academy and in the public arena. Our goal is to make philosophy easy to understand and accessible to all people; regardless of personal profession and education. Our mission statement is as follows. Mission Statement: In the tradition of the Philosophy Society, the mission of its founding members is to build a fortress of free thought. Its purpose is to create a space on campus where the love and search for wisdom are encouraged, excellence is accessible, and the mind is free. Our duty as members of society is to be noble and of service to the minds around us in our academic environment. Motto: Sophia-Arete-Nous
President: Faculty Advisor: Samantha Ooley
Our club aims to give members a sense of community—one in which they can feel free to share their thoughts and opinions, and to agree or respectfully disagree with those of others. Based on our own experiences in the UGPS, we know that by engaging in lively debate, our members develop clarity and rigor in their thinking, as well as the tools and mental frameworks for confronting the various problems life throws our way—whether they be philosophical or practical in nature. We hope that members will leave our sessions with a deeper understanding and appreciation of philosophy, and with more friends with which they can discuss these topics outside of the club!
President: David Maxwell Faculty Advisor:
The Philosophy Club at UVU aims to help create and maintain a community for UVU students interested in philosophy.
President: Michael Solomon Faculty Advisor: N/A N/A
As lovers of philosophy, our aim is to provide an accessible platform for philosophical discourse aimed both at philosophy major and non-major students. In particular, we are interested in giving a chance for students new to philosophy a casual opportunity to learn, and giving students more familiar with philosophical discourse access to the perspectives provided by other disciplines. Overall, we wish to foster a community for philosophically-minded persons through both classic philosophical discourse and club antics.
President: Sukhmani Mandair Faculty Advisor: Eun-Jung Kim
A student-run feminist society dedicated to the cultivation of intellectual thought on a multitude of feminist-related issues. Our group specializes in feminist and sociopolitical philosophy.
President: Faculty Advisor: Steven Stakland
Our purpose of congregation is to facilitate the discussion, the learning, and the understanding of philosophy.
President: Brianna Larson Faculty Advisor: Rory Conces
The Philosophy Club is a wholly student-run organization dedicated to the informal discussion of philosophical topics (and the informal consumption of snacks).
President: Aubrey Finicle & Xthlali Nunez Faculty Advisor: Brian J. Collins
President: Rose Donnelly Faculty Advisor: Landon Elkind
President: Jesus Guerrero Faculty Advisor: Manuela A. Gomez
The purpose of this club is to further expand the knowledge of the different philosophy fields, to promote logical thinking through facts and reasoning and to cultivate and promote open mindedness and wisdom within the community.
President: Faculty Advisor: Jesse Butler
President: Faculty Advisor: Andrew Melnyk
President: Erica Dietlein Faculty Advisor: Carlos Mariscal
President: Katrina Haaksma Faculty Advisor:
President: Sydnie Dills Faculty Advisor: Mary Lyn Stoll
President: Sarah Lancaster Faculty Advisor: Nelson Lande
President: Faculty Advisor: James Harold
President: Faculty Advisor: David Curry
President: Saxon Spillman Faculty Advisor: Kristopher Phillips
President: Alex White Faculty Advisor: Brent Adkins
President: Andrew Wilcox Faculty Advisor:
We are the Students of Philosophy Association (SoPhiA), and we represent all undergraduate philosophy students at Concordia under the Arts and Science Federation of Associations (ASFA). We provide academic resources, host social and academic events and workshops, and advocate for your interests, both to ASFA and the Philosophy department.
President: Lindsay Mull Faculty Advisor: Jim Taylor
President: Laura Saad Hossne Faculty Advisor: Andrew Fenton
Email: Facebook: DalDUPS Instagram: dalphilosophysociety
President: Taylor Baker Faculty Advisor: Vanessa Bentley
Philosophy Club exists to promote philosophy among the student body of UCO, majors and non-majors alike, and to help students pursue opportunities to develop philosophic ideas and skills in school, work, and life.
President: Keyonna Murray Faculty Advisor: Joel Feldman
President: Michael Moller Faculty Advisor: David Dick
Philosophia is the undergraduate philosophy club at the University of Calgary. We seek to bring students together to not only share ideas but forge friendships.
President: Brandon Bates Faculty Advisor: Devon Brickhouse-Bryson
President: Ciara Boswell Faculty Advisor: Nathan Dickman
Provides a place for intellectual debate by fostering open forum discussion on past and present philosophical and political ideals, off campus speakers, and an essay competition.
The Philosophy Club gathers students from different majors and with diverse career paths to philosophize and analyze theories from old and current philosophers and relate them to modern times.
President: Faculty Advisor: Susana Badiola
President: Raymond Baker Faculty Advisor: Garrett Bredeson
President: Caty Jhong Faculty Advisor: Mitch Green
Pondering the questions of the ancients, whose mysteries still engage us today, is the heart of the Philosophy Society. Can we find our own answers to age old questions of good, evil, truth, and illusions? Or rather, must these very questions be revised to render them sensible and answerable? By interweaving opposing viewpoints, we are able to arrive at a subtler understanding of pressing issues. This is one of the reasons that community, diversity, and friendship are amongst our chief values. We aim to create an environment that challenges people's beliefs but remains cordial and supportive to members of the UConn community. Our endeavors are grounded in changing our minds and hearts, and influencing how we live in the world and with ourselves. Living wisely is among our chief aims. Welcome to the Undergraduate Philosophy Society! We are open to students of all areas of study, and most of our members are non-philosophy majors. No background in philosophy is necessary. We discuss a broad range of topics such as: What is the foundation of human knowledge? What are the ethical considerations of animal ownership and caretaking? How far can humanity depart from nature before violating our ethical principles? Is stepping into a teleporter suicide? To what degree is it ethical to alter one's life for the sake of societal norms? How much can we really know about our own minds while dwelling inside of them, and does this give us a more or less accurate perspective on them? What is the role of science in society, and what are the limits of what science can teach us? Are human reason and emotion always in conflict or do they mutually support each other? We host weekly discussion meetings, reading groups, guest speakers, and joint-organization events. Become a member on our UConntact page to be on the mailing list or join the discussion on our Discord server! Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions. UConntact: Discord: Pulsanti Aperietur
President: Samuel Judd-Kim Faculty Advisor: Lex Newman
President: Faculty Advisor: Kimberly Garchar
President: Faculty Advisor: Beba Cibralic
Symposium is a space for Georgetown undergraduates to do philosophy outside of the classroom. We meet on a bi-weekly basis and discuss anything from happiness to AI to Camus. Participants of Symposium are also offered mentorship and support, particularly when they submit papers to journals and conferences, and apply for summer institutes, fellowships, and graduate school.
President: Monica MacKenzie Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Rothschild
President: Alec Dixon Faculty Advisor: David Kaplan
An active, vibrant academic society seeking to promote the study of philosophy at UNT!
President: Hailey Yingling Faculty Advisor:
President: Michael Muscarella Faculty Advisor: Abe Witonsky
President: Taylor Chavez Faculty Advisor: James Rocha
President: Gillian Allison Faculty Advisor: Jennifer McKitrick
President: Faculty Advisor: Tom Sparrow
President: Hannah Whitaker Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Rothschild
Women in Philosophy focuses on philosophical writings of women and minorities in order to promote diversity in this field.
President: Claire Moore Faculty Advisor: Jared Millson
President: James Marshall Faculty Advisor: Brian Keeley
President: Kenderik Davidson Faculty Advisor: Andrew Winters
President: Ian Martin Faculty Advisor: Hanti Lin
President: Rob Schillinger Faculty Advisor:
President: Laura Styer Faculty Advisor: Steven Coutinho
President: Emily Beatty Faculty Advisor: Paul Crowe
President: Matthew Hagan Faculty Advisor: Edyta Kuzian
President: Austin Cosler Faculty Advisor: Mary Bockover
President: Tatiana Avangelista Faculty Advisor:
President: Faculty Advisor: Mark Thomas
President: Youssef Maklad Faculty Advisor: Richard Volkman
President: Gregory Chauvin Faculty Advisor: Chad Van Schoelandt
President: Faculty Advisor: Bert Baumgaertner
President: Faculty Advisor: Maria Balcells
President: Sameera Singh Faculty Advisor: Dr. Stefan Sciaraffa
President: Matthew Pavelka Faculty Advisor: Joseph Grcic
President: Maya Lomeli Faculty Advisor: Justin Harmon
President: Molly Null Faculty Advisor:
President: Cristian Padilla-Tozzi Faculty Advisor: Elijah Chudnoff
President: Xavier Jacobs Faculty Advisor: Nathan Eric Dickman
President: Elizah Huff Faculty Advisor: Nathan Eric Dickman
President: Alexander Cavender Faculty Advisor:
President: Faculty Advisor: Zoli Filotas
President: Anne Ringelestein Faculty Advisor: Prof. Carrie Swanson
President: Maya DeGrood Faculty Advisor:
President: Chris Lam Faculty Advisor: Adam Sennet
President: Daniel Greenways Faculty Advisor:
President: Jeremy Jackson Faculty Advisor: Avery Kolers
President: Christian Cozlov Faculty Advisor: Andrew McFarland
President: Faculty Advisor: Stefanie Rocknak
President: Jack Huston Faculty Advisor: William Ashcraft
President: Danielle Burdick Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Hockenbery
President: Hunter Crary Faculty Advisor: Craig Greenman
President: Faculty Advisor: Melissa Zinkin
President: Tiffany Tran Faculty Advisor: Monte Johnson
President: Nia Alvarez-Mapp Faculty Advisor: Joe Cimakasky
President: Faculty Advisor: David Haugen
President: Faculty Advisor: Charlie Huenemann
President: Tyler Grabowski Faculty Advisor: David Banach
President: Rachel Fallaha Faculty Advisor: Rik Hine
President: Caroline Crisp Faculty Advisor: Erin McKenna
President: Faculty Advisor: Keith Hess
President: Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Hockenbery
President: Julia Zorluoglu Faculty Advisor: Daniel Barber
President: Susannah Mackenzie-Freeman Faculty Advisor:
President: Luis Campos Faculty Advisor: Harvey Burstein
President: Alain Beaulieu Faculty Advisor: Alain Beaulieu
President: Emily Dundas Oke Faculty Advisor:
President: Faculty Advisor: Dave Yount
President: Luke Jennings Faculty Advisor:
President: Faculty Advisor: Mark Walter
President: Faculty Advisor: Mechthild NAGEL
President: Alexander Lewis Faculty Advisor: Giuseppe Rotolo
President: Julian Rome Faculty Advisor:
President: Faculty Advisor: Ian Blecher
President: Stanford Howdyshell Faculty Advisor: Anthony Fernandez
President: Susana Camacho Plascencia Faculty Advisor: Lily Vuong
President: Faculty Advisor: Andrew Youpa
President: Faculty Advisor: Kendy Hess
President: Fiona Byrd Faculty Advisor: CHRISTOPHER DROHAN
President: Caitlyn Lecour Faculty Advisor: Deke Gould
President: Faculty Advisor: Matt Halteman
President: Katie Victor Faculty Advisor: Daniel Trippett
President: Faculty Advisor: Janae Sholtz
President: Kendra Griggs Faculty Advisor: ELay Shech
President: Kendra Griggs Faculty Advisor: Elay Shech
President: Samuel Leyba Faculty Advisor: Rosa Terlazzo
President: Henry Curtis Faculty Advisor:
President: Mitchael Evans Faculty Advisor: Marcia McKelligan
President: Faculty Advisor: George Felis
President: Kellianne Kornick Faculty Advisor:
President: Faculty Advisor: James Mahon
President: Faculty Advisor: Erin Stackle
President: Carlos Littles Faculty Advisor: MaryCatherine McDonald
President: David Pejovic Faculty Advisor: Thomas Teufel
President: sean aleman Faculty Advisor:
President: Cassie Finley Faculty Advisor: Ian O'Loughlin
President: Graham O'Shaughnessy Faculty Advisor: Lawry Finsen
President: Faculty Advisor: Chuck Ward
President: Melissa Chang Faculty Advisor:
President: David Callahan Faculty Advisor: Michael Strawser
President: Alexandra Pickens Faculty Advisor: Matthew Meyer
President: Denish Jaswal Faculty Advisor: Kent Staley
President: Miriam Wilson Faculty Advisor:
President: Faculty Advisor: Samuel Zinaich
President: Paul Bury Faculty Advisor: Jeff Flynn
President: Marcus Reed-Thorsen Faculty Advisor:
President: Haley Amster Faculty Advisor: Andrew Janiak
President: Cameron Pattison Faculty Advisor: Rick Furtak
President: Stephanie Van Fossen Faculty Advisor:
President: Ryan Garrett Faculty Advisor: Michelle Jenkins
President: Gabe Hurlock Faculty Advisor: Axelle Karera
President: Faculty Advisor: Carlo Filice
President: Faculty Advisor: Joshua Rust
President: Faculty Advisor: David Burris
President: Felipe Pereira Faculty Advisor: Travis Timmerman
President: Faculty Advisor: Janel Baker
President: Nuhu Osman Attah Faculty Advisor: Kenneth Aizawa
President: Noam Weinreich Faculty Advisor: Harold Hodes
President: Kathryn Petroff Faculty Advisor: Alexandra Bradner
President: Faculty Advisor: Elizabeth Scarbrough
President: Joelle Sasson Faculty Advisor:
President: Faculty Advisor: Savannah Pearlman